
Mission and Values

აი ფაქტის მიზანი


The mission of iFact is to develop investigative journalism in Georgia and through providing evidence-based journalistic products, to help society to engage better in the democratic development of the country.

iFact is built by a resilient, reasonable, passionate, united team of professional women, based on principles of responsible journalism and strong organizational mechanisms, allowing us to produce maximally qualified media products.

iFact was created to improve the media environment, promote media standards and promote trust and positive attitude towards media in Georgia.

iFact team works tirelessly to bring you the news of systemic shortcomings and specific cases that cause damage to society and its future. Our journalistic investigation on various topics is based on multiple verifications and is developed based on the best professional standards. This is why, our products are trusted in society.

Promoting those values is one of the core objectives of iFact. This is what we teach to future generations of journalists through various educational programs.


iFact and its work are based on the following values:

  1. Independence – we are independent of political and commercial influences in our editorial decisions. We are looking for the news left beyond the attention of other media organizations, despite having a profound influence on the population.
  2. Integrity, objectiveness, trustworthiness – our investigations are based on
  3. Clarity – we spend much time untangling complicated, endless stories in simple, accessible language for all.
  4. Sharing knowledge and experience helps us remain enthusiastic professionals and give a good example to young journalists.
  5. Best interests of respondents – it is important for us to be honest with the respondents, provide them with complete information about our goals and work, and protect the anonymity of the sources as needed.
  6. Supporting principles of good governance – we believe that good governance is important for protecting the interests of the society, this is why we follow good governance principles both inside the organization, as well as promote the establishment of the rule of law in the country.
Supervisory Board
აი, ფაქტის მრჩეველთა საბჭო

Supervisory Board

Employees elect the board for a 3-year term
