
Nanuka Bregadze

ბრეგაძე e1668697933961

Since 2017, Nanuka Bregadze has been a member of the iFact team as a researcher and investigative journalist.

She received a bachelor’s degree in journalism and mass communication and a master’s in multimedia journalism and media management.

Since 2012, she has been working as a reporter in various television and online media. She participated in many local and international training courses on strengthening journalism and democracy.

She is the author of the documentary Emily’s Playground. The documentary deals with children’s labor rights in the ethnic Azerbaijani community in Georgia.

She has worked as a trainer for the Media School project in Marneuli organized by Radio Marneuli for ethnic Azerbaijani youth.

Periodically she works as an assistant trainer in the joint project of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation and iFact – the School of In-depth Study of Investigative Journalism.

In August 2022, she became a fellow of the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP).

Aidan Yusif
AIDAN1 e1668699497164

Aidan Yusif

Aidan Yusif joined iFact in 2019 as an investigative journalist, researcher, and

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